Exemplar Sketchbook update

Its still a work in progress, but the exemplar sketchbook for the Advertising part of the project has not been uploaded onto the 'Advertising' page of the blog. Click here to have a look!

Monday 20th December


Finish presenting your photos and adverts (taken from the Internet and/or magazines).

Plan your 3 ideas - start presenting if you have the photos.


See 'Holiday Homework' handout. Due January 10th.

Friday 17th December


Print and present all advertising photos to date.


Find a selection of advertisements that are relevant to your project from magazines, the Internet, etc. Cut them out / print them off and present them in your sketchbook.

Present all of your advertisement photos so far. Include a title page, annotations, original photos and photos enhanced in Photoshop.

Due: Monday 20th

Friday 10th December


Print all of your advertising photos so far. You need to show development, so include original photos as well as edited photos, annotating the journey to success.


Present your photos in your sketchbook and take more photos over the weekend, improving on the photos you have taken so far. Speak to Mr Lax if you need to borrow a camera over the weekend. You will have Monday's lesson to print the photos you take over the weekend.

Books in on Monday for marking so that I can write your progress reports.
Due: Monday

Mon 28th November & Fri 2nd December


Continue with your advertising theme taking photos on Monday and editing/printing them on Friday.


Present all the advertising photos you have taken so far in your sketchbooks, including annotations. Start thinking about your final piece, following the handout given in class on Friday.

Click here to view the Advertising project brief

Friday 26th November


Edit and print your photos from Monday's lesson. Remember you have to show evidence of a consideration of the background of your objects - place them in context.


Present your photos from last week and this week in your sketchbook. Stick in two copies of each photo (one before editing and one after editing) with annotations/image analysis around the images. Don't forget to make a title for "Advertising."

Bring in more objects for a third photo shoot on Monday - different objects to before and a lot more of them. We want to see variety!

Due: Mon 19th Nov

Monday 22nd November

Take photos of the objects you brought in, taking into consideration the context you are putting them in.
  • What is in the background?
  • What are the relationships between your objects?
  • What are you trying to say and how are you trying to say it?


Bring the photos you have taken today on Friday, ready to edit in Photoshop. 

For extra marks take/edit more photos at home, improving on the work you have done in class.

Due: Friday 26th Nov

Friday 19th November

TASK: Enhance your Advertising photos in Photoshop 

Using the photos you took on Monday, put them in Photoshop and enhance them to make your product look more 'sellable'. Some of the things you might think about:
  1. Contrast - using 'Levels' or 'Brightness/Contrast'
  2. Colour - using 'Curves' or 'Colour Balance'
  3. Saturation - using 'Hue/Saturation
  4. Crop - using the 'Crop' tool 
  5. 'Heal' any imperfections - using the 'Healing Brush'.
  6. Copy & duplicate sections - using the 'Clone Tool.'
Next week we will be taking more photos, this time focusing a bit more on the context the objects in.

Put simply, what situation have you put your photos in? What is in the background? How many objects are there? Are there other objects that accompany yours? (e.g. if you're selling fruity sweets there might be fruit in the background; chocolatey cereal might have chocolate in the background, etc.).


Bring in some more objects on Monday, including objects to put in the backgrounds. If you have a camera please be encouraged to bring it in on Mondays. For extra marks, try taking photos at home over the weekend too.

Due: Mon 22nd Nov